Tuesday, February 10, 2015

3-Week Mark Report

Week 3: My tummy doesn't look pregnant anymore, unless I am sitting a bit inclined, but is still a bit swollen in the same area, under my navel.  That area is more tender to the touch or pressure than before, because of the cut nerves trying to repair, all in the skin. I still don't feel comfortable in jeans, although I can fit in them just fine.

I still cough gingerly and shallowly when I can, but I found out deep, heavy coughs really aren't hurtful either, with tummy muscle support (holding it in tight with my hands or a pillow). Same with sneezing.

I also found that pillow support over that part of my tummy also helps protect me from the skin sensitivity when I think something will rest on, rub, or otherwise disturb my skin.

I had been told by somebody that a strap-on support would really be a relief; however, the surgeon said to not use one, because it could rub off the scabs too early, causing more problems.

I no longer need medicinal help for bowel regularity, nor have I needed Tylenol for pain.

I need to stay away from crowds as much as possible, to avoid possible infections, but I may need to take short trips to the store occasionally during the week while my husband is working out of town.  He will do the shopping on Saturday when he is home.

I think it is time to start walking for exercise. I did walk swiftly for about 2 seconds today, but stopped because the extra bounce on my tummy didn't feel good, so I will still take a slower normal speed. When I say "exercise", what I mean is taking a more distant walk than I can get in my tiny apartment. I will walk my child 4 blocks to school in the morning and then walk home. Not much, but a transition from staying down all day to the treadmill, which I hope to start next week.

Other than these minor tummy symptoms, I feel normal.

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