Monday, January 19, 2015

The Last 24 Hours

Today is Monday, the day before the transplant. I had 6 vials of pre-op lab tests completed last week in the town I live in, and I needed another to be done today in the hospital the operation will take place. I was expecting one, or maybe three. I was surprised to find I had 12 vials taken today and a urine test! They were just checking for any last minute concerns. For instance, if they found that I had a urinary tract infection, they would need to be sure to give both of us antibiotics. They took a test to find out if I was pregnant. They will be taking another tomorrow when I check in.

This lab technician also did not want to use a butterfly. She was nice. She gave me the same reason for not using a butterfly as my lab technician did last week. The needle and tube that are part of the butterfly that the blood would transfer through are so tiny, it is basically coming one drop at a time, and there is a real danger that the blood could start clotting.

I'm glad that she was doing my last series of blood tests, because when she poked me IT HURT. She did a pretty good job changing the vials, but the whole time I could feel the needle down to my elbow. :(

I am still not nervous, that I am aware of ... at least not on a conscious level.  I am waiting for it to hit. I was thinking about this while traveling home from the hospital, and I think part of the reason I am not nervous is that my husband, parents, children, friends, and more friends are supportive and helping a lot and have everything all lined up and taken care of.  I am SO appreciative of all that they are doing. I know I originally wanted to try to get away with doing this secretly, but I had no idea what encouragement and relief and sense of peace would come from those who are helping me.

On top of that, there are lots of people praying for my friend and me. I feel so loved. She has friends and family that have never met me praying for me, and I have friends and family who have never met her praying for her.  I haven't even asked. For instance, my aunt in another state called and asked when the operation is and what the name of my friend who would be receiving my kidney. She wrote her name down then told me, I will be praying for both of you, and so will my ladies' group at church. That is so SWEET!

There are still great friends of mine (and even family) that don't know about this. I struggle whether to tell them or not. I want them to know that I love them and care about them enough to let them know important things that happen in my life. On the other hand, if I don't tell them, it is likely they could continue in their life not knowing, but if they find out in the future through the grapevine, I don't want them to feel unimportant to me. I would not be telling them so that I can get praise or to ask them to do anything for me or even to get attention. I just want them to feel part of my life, if that is what makes them feel loved. Honestly, I wouldn't be offended if I found out something later, but I would have wanted to know while it was happening rather than after it was finished.

I am excited for my friend receiving my kidney. I hope she feels great and is able to take opportunities that she hasn't been able to up until now. I don't have any expectations for her, me, or us. I will be fascinated to know what happens in both of our lives after tomorrow.  I think she is a marvelous woman, a powerful woman, and just all around wonderful. I am glad we are friends. I am also glad that we became friends months before I offered. This is so not about me, but I am honored to have my experience with her. This is about her, about our wonderful friends and family, and about God and his love for his children.

I check into the hospital at 9:30 a.m., and our surgery is scheduled for 11:00 a.m.  Here we go! :D <3

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