Simplest. Appointment. Ever.
I filled out an online survey about my experience.
I went to my local hospital lab to pee in a cup and get one vial of blood.
No news is good news, they say, but I am more curious than that, so I contacted the kidney donor coordinator to find out the results of my tests. I can't find the results at the moment, but here were her reactions as she read them to me over the phone.
"The first one tested your ______. You did really well. Normal it is _____ and you were slightly under with ______.
"The second tested your ______. Oh, you did very well here. Normal it is ____, and you were quite a bit under. You did GREAT on this one!"
Someday I will find out what those are and fill in the blanks, but my point is that I am apparently healthier in the kidneys than the average person who has two! Yay, me!
I have gained my weight back. I don't know how much. I can fit into my size 6 business pants, but I'm pushing it with bulges. I probably ought to buy some more and find out my real size. Again, when I find out, I will let you know here. (I found out 3/4/17 ,., 149 lbs., so I should probably be wearing my size 8 or 10 pants again. It was a lot of fun being a 4!)
How I am doing with my routines? Uh......
*I was supposed to drink 8 glasses of water.
I do drink water, but I haven't been keeping track, which probably means I am getting down close to 2 or 3.
*I was supposed to take my blood pressure every month.
I forgot about that.
*I am supposed to limit my peanut butter, heavy milk products, processed meats.
Well, I eat WAY less than I did before the donation. Maybe I eat one of these a week. That's limiting, right?
*I am supposed to eat protein.
Yah. Um. I kinda forgot about this. I know most people often eat too much protein. Yah, I have the opposite problem. Four bites of animal protein or beans, and I feel SOOO heavy in my stomach. Not feeling heavy as in my weight or physical appearance, but like I just ate a bunch of really heavy food.
*I am supposed to have a regular exercise routine.
Once we fixed my car, I pretty much stopped walking. I loved walking.
This is good for me to take a look at. I recommit to being conscious of meeting my nutritional needs. I will do this by charting what I eat and drink and adjusting as needed.
There is definitely a sensation across my belly between my bellybutton and my incision at the bikini line. I can't explain it. It's not quite numb. It doesn't quite hurt. It kind of has a sensation of both. When I tighten and release my muscles there while standing up, you almost can't detect any movement of my belly, but my muscle is pretty tight and moving quite a bit on the inside, almost like it is numb, but I have feeling as I push or touch it. It's not normal, but it's not bad, it's just ... different.
If you are actively looking for my incision scars by tugging and pulling, you can find them. However, if you saw me change my clothes, the only scar you would see is my "button", but its pink discoloration is only about 1/4 inch long, and it's maybe 1/16 inch thick. It is disappearing, as well. It looks like it will actually be my skin color rather than white, pretty much disappearing.
I don't know what else to say. It's a great life!!! :) .... and I rock one kidney!
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