Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Why I'm Writing This

When it became obvious to me that I was about to choose in to an elective, major surgery, I searched the internet for information. I wanted to hear facts from the kidney foundations, which I found plenty of. I also wanted to know the donor's side, which I never did find.

Correction: I just found another (2 weeks before my own surgery.). Her writing is shorter than mine and has more humor. It is interesting to me the similarities and differences in the process to donate. Hers includes pictures and includes accurate facts.Very cool. Here is her link:

Because of my lifelong skepticism of the financial motivation of the medical field, I believed they would publish whatever was needed to convince people to donate. They are in sales. It is how they make their money. It is what they have to do. Well, I have changed my opinion, after this experience.

I decided a blog from a donor was needed, and almost started one right away, but my need to not be judged (as I will describe below) won on a daily basis, although I kept my intention to fill this need for a future donor.  I decided not to include pictures or names, for privacy to all involved, because I am a very publicly private person, although that might surprise you if you have ever met me, as I can be quite friendly and boisterous.

I share my strong belief in God and his hand in all of this and receiving answers and whisperings from him and miracles.  If you don't believe in this, I am okay with that, but please respect that I have the right to my own experience. If anything in this blog bothers you, please try to ignore what rubs you wrong and find the parts that you are looking for.

I mention my feelings of skepticism of the financial motivations of the medical field.  My skepticism wasn't about the method of allopathy. I have a close family member who works in an HMO hospital, and throughout the years I have picked up on information about financial motivations of the medical field.  (Yes, I know about the arguments about the financial motivation of ANYthing.)

I have always gone to the traditional doctor and the hospital and believe in the miracles of medicine and operations.  I also have used (and still believe in) the benefits of, herbs, essential oils, and other homeopathic methods.  I also go the the chiropractor. I also believe in nutrition and lifestyle. I have done my best to do what I believed was best for each situation, using a balance of all of the above. This has brought scolding from my both my only allopathic friends and from my only natural friends. I do my best, just as everyone else does, which in my case seems to please nobody but me and my conscience.

Please keep into consideration that this is MY own journey. I hope it will give you some idea of what you might expect if your experience is similar to mine. Maybe you can find out from one horse's mouth how accurate the factual information available on the web is. Maybe my journey will answer some of your questions or make their facts more understandable.

I have dated each post as closely to the date it actually happened, in chronological order.  If you are interested in my story, please read the posts chronologically, labeled numerically as well, or by title, located by date in the lower right corner under the heading Blog Archives.

For a quick rundown list of information I found through research (and in hindsight I found to be accurate, by the way) without having to read my whole story, look at these posts:
     "Research", dated July 30, 2014, and labeled "4"
     "4 Phases of Testing", dated November 19, 2014, and labeled "7"
     "Paired Exchange Program", dated December 3, 2014, and labeled '6.5"
Other tests are sprinkled throughout the blog. You might get some idea where to find them by looking at the post titles.

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