Friday, January 6, 2017

The Circle of Life

After the first kidney rejection attempt, which the doctors got under control, a lot of complications started.  Mom got gestational diabetes, which they got under control, then high blood pressure, which they got under control, then edema, followed by chasing one of the above or another, eventually landing Mom flat for the remainder of her pregnancy, and finally landing her in the hospital at 26 weeks gestation with the goal of keeping the baby for one more day .... one more hour .... time for an emergency c-section. Baby girl was born 27 weeks and 3 days gestation. 1 lb, something ounces.

Mom watched the birth, although she has no memory, because shortly after the birth Mom suddenly flatlined, but the doctors worked quickly and, with cardio paddles and I have no idea what else, they brought her back from that trauma, but the kidney seemed to continue to be in shock for weeks. They tried different methods of bringing that kidney back into activity.

Update 2/14/17:

Today the baby is 8 1/2 weeks old (35 weeks gestation), 4 lbs. 5.5 ounces, acts like a typical 8 week old. Has lots of hair. Has enough meat on her that someone can pick her up without feeling like she is going to break. Alert. Smart. Still in the hospital with some attachments. Drinking from a bottle. Doing really well.

Mom had a biopsy yesterday. The kidney has a ton of fibrosis, which mean that it has a ton of scar tissue that has replaced regular, pliable tissue, making the kidney unusable.  This could be caused by whatever is in the recipient that caused her original kidney to not work. It could be caused by injury due to biological chemicals, diabetes II (does gestational diabetes count?) Bottom line: Mom is being put on dialysis again and being put back on the donor list.

She and I have talked a few times about this possibility, and we both seem to believe the same, but I will just tell my feelings. I know I was told to give this kidney to her. It is not up to me how long her body will use that kidney, but God has always known what would happen and when it would happen.  I really believe that the timing of everything has been miraculous.

I believe that Mom and Dad took this possibility of pregnancy very seriously and brought the decision to God and that he gave her peace. I believe that in HER case it was the right thing to do.  I believe that if she had been given someone else's kidney, she might never have even had this choice. I am very happy that she had this baby.

She won't be getting pregnant again. There's no way the doctors could have known what would happen.  The bulk of her complications were from gestational diabetes and high blood pressure, and I think edema. This might have happened to anyone even with a good original kidney.

I do not mourn my decision. As I learned and mentioned in one of my first posts, it is likely that my recipient will be the recipient of more than just my kidney.  You never know when it will be time for a new kidney.  Maybe this kidney that I carried for 48 years could have lasted another year had she not become pregnant, or maybe 5, but with the blessings of her doctors and having made the decision in prayer, she gave birth and lives, and it's time for God to bless someone else's life by allowing them the privilege of knowing they did something important and made a contribution in this life to assist in blessing someone else.